A Little This a Little That….

31 May

I love soup.  In fact, my favorite is Thursday night soup–soup made from leftovers of the week, all thrown together into a pot and seasoned accordingly–maybe with cumin, but always garlic and onion.  Usually it turns out pretty good.  Sometimes it’s horrible.

Eco printing, for me, is kinda like that soup.  A little this, a little that, and sometimes the combination is divine.  Of course, sometimes it’s not…absolutely not…unsalvage-ably bad.  Those duds aren’t happening with quite the regularity they once did.  For one thing I’ve finally started making notes of a sort.  And I’ve finally begun sampling as well.  These two practices have helped me avoid a lot of pitfalls, but the duds still happen, just less frequently.

There’s something else I’ve noticed about my eco prints.  Sometimes I really want order.  Geometric repetition.  Sometimes I want chaos.  Often I go for monochromatic results but more often than not I’m craving color.  Today’s scarves fall into this latter category–controlled chaos and a lot of color.  Wednesday soup de jour.



4 Responses to “A Little This a Little That….”

  1. Nancy May 31, 2017 at 10:29 pm #

    Wow! These are gorgeous!


  2. Mo Crow June 1, 2017 at 3:41 pm #

    beautiful work Patricia!


  3. Liz A June 2, 2017 at 4:30 pm #

    I’m always amazed at how much color you are able to pull out of your dyestuffs … if only my linens could be as responsive as your silks!


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