Tag Archives: fabric bowls

More on Blue…and a Family Portrait

25 Apr

On Earth Day I was thinking about blue.  Still am.  And wanted to also share two comments to that post–comments that help me understand this pull to the blue side….

From Mo in Australia:  The longing for blue by Rebecca Solnit in A Field Guide to Getting Lost

“The world is blue at its edges and in its depths. This blue is the light that got lost. Light at the blue end of the spectrum does not travel the whole distance from the sun to us. It disperses among the molecules of the air, it scatters in water. Water is colorless, shallow water appears to be the color of whatever lies underneath it, but deep water is full of this scattered light, the purer the water the deeper the blue. The sky is blue for the same reason, but the blue at the horizon, the blue of land that seems to be dissolving into the sky, is a deeper, dreamier, melancholy blue, the blue at the farthest reaches of the places where you see for miles, the blue of distance. This light that does not touch us, does not travel the whole distance, the light that gets lost, gives us the beauty of the world, so much of which is in the color blue.”

And from Grace, somewhere in New Mexico:  “Here, the first people call the Rio Grande the Blue Mother.”  I love that expression…the Blue Mother.  And because I name each bowl, I’m borrowing this… Blue Mother.


It’s overcast today.  Wet from earlier rains.  We were digging around outside, moving Santolina that was growing where a wall is coming down.  Supervised.


Saturday Morning

18 Apr

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The Heart’s Voice

7 Apr

Today’s Offerings4

Lots of stretching going on. Getting outside my comfort zone. Coming up against resistance, acknowledging it for what it is, then moving past it.

Learning new tricks on WordPress is just ONE of those things. Yesterday I spent several hours posting. Today less than 30 minutes. So moving past techno-induced frustration and resistance. And I realized something–this morning I realized that I can post new bowls on The Shopping Place page without having to actually post a new blog here.

So I’m not going to flesh this out–this idea/thought I have in mind. Thoughts about how, by implication at least, we are taught to NOT listen to the voice in our heart. How in our culture-in many cultures I suppose–listening to one’s heart is NOT something we’re encouraged to value. Or recognize. Or even cultivate.

Not now. Not today. But a later post perhaps. Still trying to understand it all. How it fits. The value of each–passion and practicality. Integrating the two.