Why am I doing this?…

21 Feb

…and I’ve thought that enough to last a lifetime.  Still, lots to learn from  each one.  Fizzled out this morning after spending more than an hour arranging/rearranging.  When I finally noticed the track running through my head–“why in the world are you doing this NOW?”  and stepped away.  Now looking after many hours, my conclusion–the mind-tape had a point and I’m left with two characters from different planets.  Incongruent.  I’d add the day one and day two for comparison but can’t seem to insert anything at this point else.  Besides…..


4 Responses to “Why am I doing this?…”

  1. grace Forrest February 21, 2017 at 6:58 pm #

    the second one
    turn it
    so the right side as pictured would become the bottom?
    and there are 2 Dancers…


    • Patricia February 21, 2017 at 7:13 pm #

      Tomorrow. First thing. I’ll try your suggestion. Thanks and love to you


  2. Maureen McDermott February 22, 2017 at 9:17 pm #

    I see birds dancing and singing


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