Lessons from a Spider

5 Dec

This morning I was reading Grace Forrest’s blog–Windthread.  The conversation focused on the power of Clarissa Pinkola Estes’ “Women Who Run With the Wolves.”  Passages were cited.  Moving, powerful, instructive quotes.  I was reading carefully when out of the blue a tiny spider crawled up the monitor and plopped itself down.  Right there.  Part of the conversation.spider

I’m watching her now– crawling up the wall in front of me.  She started at table top level and has managed to climb up a few inches.  It hasn’t been an easy trip.  And just now, she lost all ground, fell/floated down on her invisible string and landed where she began.  But this time, without hesitation, she took off–shooting straight up , with speed and deliberation.  Undeterred.  Reaching heights unsurpassed in her previous efforts. Now she’s resting. Legs pulled in as though consolidating strength and will.  Still resting.   And now movement, again. Up.  Across.  Going.  Simply going.

And this too is amazing–the joy generated by simple virtue of a spider’s journey. And the joy too of flipping open my own copy of WWRWW and reading, “It’s not by accident that the pristine wilderness of our planet disappears as the understanding of our own inner wild natures fades.” For truly, I’ve not been tending to this inner nature quite with the care it deserves. And the result has been a sense of separation. Not true separation, but a sense of. And today this spider has reconnected me. Pulled me back into the web. How can I not but honor her for this?

Then there are the starfish. The sense of holding. Of wanting to protect, to shield.  And now the awareness that it’s not only for starfish, these feelings.  But for all of life.  And the hope that perhaps we can slip through the eye of the needle. To another side–the other side.

close up of starfish

10 Responses to “Lessons from a Spider”

  1. Mo Crow December 5, 2013 at 10:30 am #

    oh! I love this post Patricia, your starwoman is beautiful!


    • Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 9:39 am #

      starwoman. i like that. and she’s heading into another world–a world where starfish are safe!


  2. Yvette Dopheide December 5, 2013 at 10:37 am #

    indeed..what a great post…i had tears in my eyes when i read your comment at Jude about the effect fukoshima has on starfish


    • Yvette Dopheide December 5, 2013 at 10:40 am #

      i post with my facebook account ( seems the only possible way) but i have a blog. http://feathersfromheaven.blogspot.com


      • Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 9:42 am #

        just checked out your blog. oooooooooo. love your cloth. love the muted earth tones and the feeling of “being repaired” that comes forth. thanks Yvette.


  3. karmadondruplhamo....grace forrest December 5, 2013 at 9:22 pm #

    how we take
    validation from the BIG. from the Universe. from the godthing, from the God i was taught as a child
    how we receive it
    or don’t
    because it’s small
    or coincedental
    this is something to look closely at. and she presents herSelf here, illuminated by the
    glow of the monitor…small spider, small being, related to a star fish by her Being


    • Anonymous December 6, 2013 at 9:44 am #

      yep. it’s the littlest things. the teeny tiniest seemingly “coincidental-but-not” things that are really affirming this journey. and i’m so glad you noticed–and pointed out–the relation between spider and starfish.


  4. Patricia December 6, 2013 at 9:45 am #

    OK. I just posted my comments and they came up as being from Anonymous. Is that funny or what?


  5. Marti December 6, 2013 at 12:26 pm #

    Dear Patricia, you speak of not tending to your inner nature, that nature that connects with the wild in us, and by wild I mean that intuitive knowing that we are all part of this world, connected by things that cannot be defined but most especially by our sense that every living thing matters, every bit and every bit of it makes up the whole. Well let me say to you that you simply could not have made this incredible cloth of star fish protector woman without having that intuitive knowing. In some of us, it is there front and center, in some of us it quietly waits for the time when it is necessary to bring forth. This was your time, and you are teaching us deeply and I am appreciative and grateful….


    • Patricia December 6, 2013 at 1:56 pm #

      Your words here nurture and nourish me. And I thank you for that. But it is true, of late my focus had shifted from inner nature to outer circumstances. And it took me a while to realize what was happening. Kinda like being out somewhere and forgetting to go home. I do so appreciate you–your wisdom, your sharing in comments here and elsewhere–so thank you for all of this. Much love to you


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